segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2014

10 years old!!!!

Another day you told me we aren't a normal family. I know, you mean, it's not we are not normal but we aren't like the most families... Ok, maybe it's truth, but I think that, sometimes, I'm a normal mother, I always to say:
Do this
Don't do that
Take a coat
Take an umbrella
Respect all people
Be respected by all
Eat a fruit
Don't eat much junk
I love you
I love you much more

You've been so little girl...

Now so big girl, so my friend, so partner!
10 years ago I did not know it would be the greatest adventure of my life.
I love you, happy birthday!

Um comentário:

  1. Dear Helena, you're an amazing young lady... for your wonderful tenth birthday with all my heart I wish you the best be happy and always with a smile on your face... MUITAS FELICIDADES!!! Alice
